Children dentistry in Westminster

When do children need to start seeing a Dentist?

Ideally, by age two, an early dental check-up ensures we catch any potential issues early. The first visit aims to familiarize your child with the office or conduct a brief examination.

What kind of care do infants need?

Early dental care is crucial. Wipe infants’ gums after meals and before bed. Brush emerging teeth with a soft brush. Avoid putting children to bed with anything other than water in their bottle to prevent decay. Schedule a dental visit before their second birthday.

What kind of care do children need?

Children’s dental care emphasizes preventing tooth decay and gum disease, especially for those prone due to sugary diets or inadequate hygiene. Their developing teeth require special attention.

Children’s teeth should be brushed with fluoride toothpaste at least twice daily, with particular emphasis on brushing before bedtime. Morning and post-meal brushing is also recommended. The ADA advises assisting younger children with brushing until they can do it effectively on their own.

Use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush. Replace it when bristles wear out.

Encourage children to use only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste and teach them to rinse and spit to minimize swallowing.

We advise children to visit the dentist every 6 months for a comprehensive check-up and cleaning.

Children should floss every night before bed once they have their permanent teeth.

In adolescence, we’ll talk about whether braces or extractions are needed for straightening and preventing crowding of teeth.

What prevention is possible with regular dental visits?

Regular dental visits serve two main purposes: thorough cleaning and examination for serious issues. Children can prevent cavities with a balanced diet and good dental hygiene. Our doctors offer strategies like fluoride treatments and sealants for children’s molars to combat tooth decay.

Why is care and prevention important for children?

Regular dental check-ups prevent minor issues from escalating into major concerns, saving you money in the long run.

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